Thursday, August 23, 2012

The items that I’m most excited about trying out with our little guy

When we made our registry there were a few items that I was EXTRA excited about trying out with our little boy once he arrives…and I still am! Some of them we’ve received at baby showers and some of them we’ll be purchasing before he gets here.

The BOB- This is probably the baby item that I’m most excited about. I was an avid runner pre-pregnancy and I’m itching to put those running shoes on again (for something other than a painfully slow walk on the treadmill). I can’t wait to share that experience with the little one!

Bumbo- How could you not love a cute baby object with a name like this? You just can’t help it. I know people who have loved theirs and others who have hated it so time will tell where we fall. Right now I’m loving just having it sitting in the dining room :) ***I'm aware that the Bumbo was recalled due to skull fractures while sitting on raised surfaces. We're still planning on using it (along with some common sense ;)).

Baby Carriers- We’ve assembled quite the collection for babywearing. We own (thanks to baby showers!) the Moby and Ergo (Petunia Pickle Bottom print…woohoo!!!). We’ll be borrowing the Baby Bjorn from my godsister to try that one out too. Again, it’ll be interesting to see what works for us.

Cloth Diapers- We registered for BumGenius all in ones. This is another one of those things that work really well for some people and don’t end up working for others so time will  tell.

What are/were some of those things that you were most excited to “try out” with baby? If your baby is already here, did you find that you ended up finding the exciting things actually useful or over-hyped?


  1. Soo excited about my cloth diapers too - I have totally been eying up the bum genius freetimes as my go to - we are doing a diaper trial first, but those are the ones I hope I like! Also thrilled about my stroller. Although, I wanted so badly to job with my little one starting right away - and the girl at the store told me that it depends on baby's neck, and most can't for at least 6-8 months, and hat her Dr. wouldn't let her job with the baby until 14 months! I was choked....I hope our baby is strong and able at 3 months....we will see!

  2. I’ve read that you have to wait until about 8 months to jog with them just in the stroller BUT if you have the adapter with an infant carseat you can jog with them much soon (like 8 weeks I think??)! I hope so :)
