Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful on my birthday

Today is my birthday and I can't stop thinking about how blessed I've been this year. We aren't doing anything really big or exciting to celebrate since we just bought our house and we're trying to save save save for baby but it's definitely been an amazing birthday so far and an amazing year... both the ups and the downs have made it so.

I’m thankful that I have Josh. He’s such an amazing and supportive husband and whether it’s helping me by emptying the dishwasher or rubbing my back, putting up the shelves in the baby’s room, reminding me to “hold my belly” when we’re pulling into our super bumpy driveway or just telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me….I appreciate it all so much.

I’m thankful that I woke up this morning to rib kicks from our son. To be this far in a pregnancy and to actually be getting ready to MEET our baby is something that I couldn’t imagine, especially after the losses that we went through. Sometimes I still can’t believe that it’s real. I love him so much.

I’m thankful that we were able to buy our house and get settled. I was a stressed out mess for a lot of this year because of the uncertainty of where we’d be/if we’d be settled before the baby is born. Our house is truly perfect for us and I couldn’t be happier with it. I really appreciate the opportunity to make it home for our little family.

I’m thankful for both my and Josh’s family. They’ve all been such a huge help in the past year. I couldn’t have gotten back on my feet after the miscarriages without them. Without Josh’s dad opening his doors to us the moving transition would’ve been even more stressful. The way that they helped with the move was amazing. Everything came together so much quicker than I could’ve thought it would because of them.

I’m thankful for my friends, both in real life and online. I’ve developed some relationships over the past year that I truly treasure and the support has been so uplifting for me!

I’m thankful for my faith. It’s grown in leaps and bounds over the past year and even though it took some heartbreak to get to the point where I am now I’ve come to have so much more trust in the fact that He is the one who knows what’s best for us.


  1. Happy Birthday! I am sure this pregnancy has been the best birthday present ever. Our birthdays are very close, mine is Sunday :)

  2. Happy Happy Birthday! I know this coming year will be even happier than the last :)

  3. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope it's a wonderful day and that there many more happy ones are around the corner. Hugs!

  4. happy birthday! you look amazing and loved this post!
