Friday, August 24, 2012

Before Baby Checklist- Update!

When I entered the third trimester I posted this list! We’ve definitely made some progress but there’s still more to be done! There are so many things that seem to be constantly ongoing/take a ton of time.

-Take an infant CPR class (Status: Scheduled. Will be taking it mid-September.)
-Take a breastfeeding class (Status: Scheduled)
-Take a childbirth class (Status: Scheduled)
-Choose a pediatrician (Status: DONE!)
-Pre-Register at hospital (Status: Done.)
-Turn in maternity leave paperwork (Status: Have filled out all of the information that is my responsibility. I will be taking the rest to my next OB appt so they can finish/fax.)
-Set a last day of work (Status: I’ve been dragging my feet on this…I just can’t make up my mind. I’d love to hold out until 38w2d which would put as at October 5th but I’m so uncomfortable/distracted now that I’m thinking the Friday before that, 37w2d, sounds so much nicer…)
-Make circumcision plans (Status: Still not positive about this. I’m starting to think that maybe we’ll find out about this at our first ped appt or in the hospital. Does anyone know?)
-Install carseat (Status: Will do this at 36 weeks)
-Finish nursery (Status: Has been painted. Crib is up with crib mattress. Rocker is up and new cushions have been made. Bookshelves have been installed/filled. We’re still waiting on the dresser, need to hang the prints and organize the closet- I will be starting the closet organization on Friday!)
-Read more on labor (Status: In progress. Reading Ina May’s book now!)
-Make freezer meals (Status: In progress. I’ve made 2 meals so far and 2 loaves of banana bread.)
-Pack hospital bag (Status: Will be doing this closer to 36 weeks)
-Tour hospital (Status: Scheduled. My godsister is an L&D nurse and will be giving Josh and I a private tour!)
-Make a baby watch contact list/plan (Status: Done! We decided this doesn’t need to be a huge production lol. All of our family is in town and we have their contact information in our phones so we’ll just play it by ear depending on how things go.)
-Stretch more (Status: Ongoing)
-Keep walking daily (Status: Ongoing)
-Get a pedicure (Status: Planning on one more before my due date…hopefully early October.)

How are you doing with your “before baby” checklists??


  1. You've accomplished a lot in the last few weeks! When I met with out pediatrician, they told me that they do the circumcision whenever we want after he's born. They don't do it in the hospital and only certain peds have rights to do it in the hospital. So I guess I would call and ask your pediatrician.

    The major thing I've been dragging on is confirming my maternity leave with my boss. I've discussed it with HR, but haven't talked about it with my boss at all.

  2. We didn't know baby's sex so circumcision was discussed in the hospital after he was born, we declined, but the pediatrician brought it up at his newborn visit at 3 days old as well, again we declined, but I wouldn't worry about this one until after he's born, people will ask you about it and you can go from there!

    In hindsight, having baby at 38 weeks, the freezer meals would have been really really helpful! We only had 3 done, had big plans to finish up the rest over the last 2-4 weeks we had left, but those plans were foiled! I say do them sooner rather than later.
