Thursday, December 15, 2011

Eek...Long time no talk!

It's been a while! I've really been trying to distance myself from the TTC craziness lately and we've just been so busy with life in general! I've been wanting to blog but couldn't think of something "good enough" to get back into it. However, I was catching up on some of my favorite blogs today and saw that I was tagged by Aly over at Operation:Baby to do a quick tell me about yourself thingy. 

I have a weakness for anything like this (MySpace bulletins back in the day, I'm looking at you) so here it is! Hopefully now that I've written a post it'll help me be here more regularly again :) 

1. Thank the person who awarded you. (Jag, you're the best :))
2. List 7 things people may not know about you.
3. Pass it on to 15 other bloggers and don’t forget to notify them. There's no way that I'll hit 15 but I'll get a few in!
Seven Random Facts
1. I'm going back and forth about where I want to go professionally in my life right now, I feel like I'm in a little bit of a limbo position at the moment. Once we have a baby I'm going to stay home and I'm hoping beyond hope that it's not too far down the road for us. At any given point though we know it's at least 9 months away (obviously more than that at this point since we aren't trying right now) and I'm unhappy in my job now. I'm thinking about getting certified as a personal trainer and going into that instead but I don't want to switch and then be pregnant and quitting anyway. I'm really struggling with it.

2. I drink an insane amount of water. Because of that I go to the bathroom SO many times each day that I alternate which bathrooms I go to in our office building so people won't know I'm going about once an hour.

3. I am not proud of this but on Tuesday night I basically threw a fit to talk Josh into staying up to watch the Biggest Loser season finale with me. It was recording and we could've watched it whenever we wanted but I had my heart set on seeing it and even my husband's exhaustion didn't stop me. Oops!

4.I've worn the same general outfit every day this week....not the exact same pieces but the same general idea. Some kind of dress, sweater, tights and boots. Apparently it's my winter uniform.

5. I started a running streak challenge on Monday. Basically I'm trying to get some running in, for a minimum of a mile each time, every day for a month. Today is day 4 and I'm going strong. I really want to get myself back into a solid workout routine again before we start trying next month. 
6. I cut gluten out of my diet almost 2 weeks ago and the results have been seriously amazing. I feel SO much better and it hasn't been as challenging as I thought that it would be. I've even been successful in doing some gluten free baking!

7.My favorite Christmas movie that isn't officially a Christmas movie is Love Actually. Every single person in it is fantastic and I could watch the movie a million times over.

Mrs. Green Grass over at Baby-Making Merry-go-Round
Clare over at Worries and Wisdom

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