Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Still in limbo

I feel so boring because I can't think of any interesting things. The only thing that I can really think about is my current pre-ovulation status and how ready I am to move on.

For me this post-AF, pre-O section of my cycle is the worst on my nerves. Usually it's harder for me than the two week wait even. During the two week wait it's all out of my hands. I know that at the end I'll either be pregnant or I won't but there's nothing more that I can really do. The weight is lifted off my shoulders and all that is left is to wait.

I actually really enjoy the two week wait because with it there's a teensy bit of hope. I've become a lot more jaded towards that hope as time has gone on but as hard as I try to nip it in the bud....a little bit always leaks through. 

Right now I still have a *little* control and having that responsibility when the end result is so precious really stresses me out. I'm exhausted and the only thing I can think about is how wonderful it will be when my evil little thermometer actually gives me good news. 


  1. Thinking of you. Limbo is *awful*!

  2. Definitely keeping you in my thoughts. I hope this two weeks past by quickly and you get great news!

  3. I am the opposite and I really enjoy the pre-o stage because I can DO something, I can pee on sticks, we can have sex, I can take my temp, lots to do. Two week wait I don't pee on anything until after my period is due so I have NOTHING to do other than take my temp every morning. Good luck this cycle!

  4. I second your 'evil little thermometer' comment! I've been a slave to it lately. Oh my! Here's to hoping that it flies by quickly for you.
