Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I've been waiting for today...

...basically since the second line on the wondfo turned pink.

In less than 2 hours we find out if our little one is a boy or a girl, assuming the baby cooperates!

My old wives tale results come in like this:

Carrying high = girl; carrying low = boy: GIRL
-140+ bpm = girl; 140 or less = boy: GIRL
-Craving sweets = girl; craving sour = boy: GIRL
-Chinese gender chart: GIRL
-breaking out = girl; great skin = boy: GIRL
-morning sickness = girl; little to no morning sickness = boy: GIRL
-craving fruit = girl; craving meat & cheese = boy: BOY
- SO put on weight = Girl: BOY 

Any guesses? :)


  1. I love guessing from the bump specifically but yours is a bit too covered up in your 17 week pic for me to make an accurate assessment! ;-) I'll say girl though if you're carrying high!

  2. Oh my goodness its not that time already! My guess is a little girl. I will be checking in frequently to find out what the little one is :)

  3. Based on your wives tale results AND your pinterest page (yeap, I checked it out and I think I do see a girls trend there) I think it will be a GIRL ;-) Good luck! I'll be checking frequently.

  4. Hum... I'm gonna go with my gut and say girl too. This is so exciting Elley! Can't wait to hear the results! :)
