Thursday, February 23, 2012

OB Appointment #1

Yesterday I had my first appointment with my new OB. My primary doctor recommended him highly so I was really excited. Apparently his wife is one of my doctor's NFP patients and he's totally on board with all of my doctor's protocol. It was definitely a weight off my shoulders to know that I wouldn't have meet opposition from him on that.

When I got there I gave him all of my medical history and mentioned that I normally have long cycles. Since there was that plus the fact that I was having a little spotting over the weekend he wanted to do an U/S right away. One thing that I already know that I absolutely LOVE about this office is the fact that they do on-site ultrasounds and the machines are actually in the patient rooms. My last OB sent you somewhere off-site where a technician performed the ultrasound and wasn't allowed to give you any information. The results were sent to your doctor and then he/she discussed them. That was absolute torture so as soon as I saw that little machine I wanted to jump for joy.

Everything looked good. We couldn't see a heartbeat yet but everything was measuring right on time at 5 weeks 3 days. He even gave me a picture :) We set another appointment in 2 weeks to check for the heartbeat again. Dr. T also mentioned that if, due to my past history, I ever need reassurance I can pop in to see the baby whenever I want. I'm pretty sure that we'll be best friends.

He sent me off with a lab slip to check HCG, TSH and to run a full panel on blood clotting disorders just in case that could have influenced my past losses and I left with complete trust in him as my doctor.

In other news….I have switched to PIO (progesterone in oil) injections. We'll be completing them twice a week and the first one was last night. It didn't hurt much at the time but good golly am I sore today. Ow. Josh was really nervous about administering it at first but we watched about a million videos on YouTube and after doing it he's completely confident in being able to do it for the remainder of the time that we need to.

Question, I know that most women who do IVF use PIO and, from what I've read, it seems like they always do 1 or 2 shots per day. Have any of you ever done them just twice a week? I'm a little concerned about what my progesterone levels are going to be doing in between injections.


  1. I am so happy that your ob appointment went well today. Yay for the shot not hurting to much. That is one thing im dreading on my upcoming ivf cycle. I know that I will be taking shots daily. Maybe you should ask you doctor why you will be taking them twice a week. I bet he has a good reason. Congrats on 5 weeks!

    1. The shot wasn't bad AT ALL. The anticipation was way worse because I definitely worked myself up :) Definitely make sure to sit on a heating pad after though, that helped a bunch!

  2. Glad to hear the OB appt went smoothly. I also love OB's that have ultrasounds in their office! I hate ultrasound technicians and the fact that they're not allowed to tell you anything!

    Also don't you love when you have an understanding OB that tells you it's OK to pop by and see the baby if you need reassurance?! Mine told me the same thing and while I've never taken her up on it it was just nice to know there are compassionate people in the medical field and totally understand our need for some extra reassurance sometimes!

  3. That is great news! I'm so glad you've found such a kind, understanding doctor. :-)

  4. Yay! I'm so glad that it went well!
