Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beta #2

Yesterday morning I went and got blood drawn again to make sure my levels were rising appropriately and that my progesterone was still where it should be. The nurse said she'd look up the results this morning, text them to my doctor (who is in Canada) and then call me right away.

When I hadn't heard from her by 1pm today, my lunchtime, I called her and left a voicemail. Within 30 minutes my phone was buzzing with a call from her and she read me my 11DPO bloodtest results.

HCG- 153
Progesterone- 20.something

All morning I was playing with the online beta doubling time calculator trying to figure out how low it could be for me to not be worried once I got the results. I figured that 40 would be acceptable, over 50 would be optimal and something over 70 would just be like Christmas since 11DPO is still early. When the nurse said 153 (which makes my average doubling time 26.1 hours) I was thrilled. Still am thrilled. And I have no idea how I'm going to get through another hour and a half of work before I get to go home.