Monday, April 30, 2012

Progesterone Blah

I took my last progesterone suppository last Monday night. I had blood drawn on Friday afternoon. Andddd I got back the results from my blood draw this morning.

Over the weekend I told myself that I'd be happy with anything over 30. It was 59.6 two weeks ago (while I was still on PIO shots, etc.) so I figured that it's only natural for it to drop by quite a bit when it goes from supplementation to no supplementation at all.

My level on Friday was 37.6. And I'm scared even though I told myself I couldn't be. It's definitely because my doctor seemed concerned when she told me the results. She wants me to go back on a suppository every other night and repeat the blood test next Monday. That obviously means that she is not happy with my new number.

I'm really disappointed. As scared as I was to go off the progesterone I was excited that my body would finally be doing things on it's own and last night I honestly believed that I trusted my body to do it's job and that the blood test results would bring good news. My thyroid is still at a good level which is positive I guess. Ugh.


  1. I'm so sorry girlie, but just remember, that number is still ok and there is no spotting. The suppositories will give you piece of mind though too. I can't wait til you start to feel movement! Hang in there - I'll be praying for you!

  2. Well I am sorry that your body is not there just yet. Good news is you guys caught things in time and are getting your levels where they need to be.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that - but a little extra caution is probably not a bad thing. :) xx
