Thursday, April 26, 2012

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain: 8 pounds. Gah.

Maternity clothes? All the time! I love them :)

Stretch marks? None yet other than the ones that already existed from previous weight loss on my hips and boobs. I wouldn't be surprised if more popped up on my chest before too long though because they are monsters.

Sleep: Still wanting to sleep all the time. I can barely stay awake through a whole movie anymore. The other day I got mad at Josh for falling asleep while we were watching something and 2 minutes later…I was out.

Best moment this week: Josh has just been especially sweet this week with all of the baby stuff. He knows that I'm almost out of my mind anxious about the progesterone thing and he's just been so reassuring and helpful. He tells me every day how much he believes that going off everything won't cause problems and that he just knows that the baby will be okay.

Miss Anything? Nothing at all. Everything is worth it.

Movement: Still too early. I'm dying to feel something though! At my NT scan the tech mentioned that I have an anterior placenta though so it may still be a while for me unfortunately.

Food cravings: I was craving pancakes/waffles but after having those for dinner last night that craving has passed. Now it's an egg salad sandwich, that's been pretty constant since Easter though. I could eat those all the time.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still applesauce and most of the time chicken. Also mashed potatoes. That addition makes me pretty sad because my brother in law makes the best mashed potatoes ever and I just can't stomach them anymore.

Gender: Since the NT scan tech guessed girl I've completely switched to absolutely believing that the baby is a girl. Josh and I even refer to the baby as she…basically all the time. We won't know for sure though until our next appointment on May 16th.

Labor Signs: Nope.

Symptoms: Ummmm….since I went off the progesterone they've all gotten a lot better. I'm still tired, the chest is still out of control and I'm starving basically all the time but that's it. I haven't had any nausea at all in the last 2 days, before that I was still throwing up at least every couple of days.

Belly Button in or out? Deep deep in.

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy almost all the time! Happy and anxious!

Looking forward to: Next ultrasound on May 16th.

1 comment:

  1. I love egg salad sandwiches right now! I had two this week, and just hard boiled more eggs this evening. They guessed girl at my NT scan too. I've been trying to figure out how accurate those guesses are. Hubby says they have a 50/50 chance. I got all excited and made baby girl burp cloths so I'm hoping the ultrasound tech is right.
