Friday, April 20, 2012

Updates…..Take Two

I have been a negligent blogger and I apologize. A huge thanks and hug to all of you who have stuck around through my erratic posting!

Everything is going wonderfully with us and the little one. I have a lot to update you on so here are some bullet points with the big things.

*We announced our pregnancy to the rest of our family and friends on Easter Sunday. Everyone is THRILLED and my mom has already begun shopping now that the news is out. Even though we don't have a for sure gender I have 3 cute little pink outfits sitting on my dresser, a pink hairbow and 3 books for baby.

*My 13 week progesterone came back all the way back up to 59.6. I met with my NFP doctor this past Wednesday and she said that she's completely comfortable with weaning me off of progesterone supplementation. I started the process this week and should be completely off by next Tuesday. Separate post coming with my crazy feelings about this (some bad, some good).

*I had another ultrasound with my OB on Wednesday. He didn't measure the little one but baby looked healthy and big. We also saw a beautiful, fully formed placenta (something I was on the lookout for since I know that means good things when it comes to progesterone) and got to hear the heartbeat. It made me nervous that he didn't measure anything (What if the heartbeat is slowing down?? What if the baby hasn't grown??) but it also kind of reassured me in an odd way that he is in no way worried about our baby. He asked me if I was feeling better and when I told him that I still feel like every week we move forward is quite an accomplishment he stopped me in my tracks and told me that with how everything has been going I have literally no reason to worry. I, of course, am not going to stop worrying until I am holding our baby in my arms (and I highly doubt I'll stop then) but it did make me feel better.

*The bump is becoming more noticable. I'm almost fully in dresses lately and loving it. I have a package of maternity clothes coming in from Old Navy today (YAY) and will most definitely be sharing my favorites.

*My morning sickness has calmed down. I'm no longer running to the bathroom every morning. Both last week and this week I've been averaging throwing up 3-4 days of the week which is definitely an improvement. My boobs are still out of control (like growing out of my new bras out of control). My "regularity" that I enjoyed throughout the first trimester has also disappeared and I can totally relate to Jesica's post from yesterday…something I wish I couldn't relate to at all!

I have a few posts ready to roll out over the next few days (How we're weaning me off of progesterone and my total paranoia about the whole thing, pregnancy journal thoughts, etc.) so stay tuned!


  1. What a wonderful update. Big relief on your progesterone levels being where they should. Cant wait to see pics!

  2. Thanks for your update! Sounds like a lot of good things are happening for you right now. Looking forward to your next posts.

  3. Excellent news all around - thank you SO much for updating. :o)

  4. I'm so glad things are going well for you. :)

  5. So glad things are going great! I love reading your updates and am so excited for you!
