Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Little Love

It's been an eventful baby week in our house! Last weekend we broke the news to some long-time friends (who were thrilled of course, they knew about the past miscarriages and that we'd been trying), on Tuesday we found out that my progesterone dropped (cue freak out), we had our picture taken for our "going public" announcement and today was the NT scan.

Progesterone news first. I've been getting blood drawn once every 2 weeks so that my doctor can monitor my progesterone levels. The time before last it was 52 (which is the same number that it was the test before). When I got my test results this week and found out it was 40 I had a complete breakdown. Crying in the car while driving home on the freeway breakdown status. My doctor's nurse is the one who gave me the results and my doctor wasn't in the office at the time so I was left to over-analyze and self-diagnose = never a good thing. Luckily my doctor texted me later that evening (have I mentioned that I love her??) and told me that 40 is still a very healthy number. She told me that it was normal for my progesterone to dip since the placenta is forming and will be taking over and that my levels are still almost a whole standard deviation higher than an average pregnancy. Crisis averted. I still didn't like that it dropped but I felt better. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm still slightly worried but trying not to be. From what I can tell most people don't have their progesterone monitored past a few weeks earlier than I am now so I can't really find any information to compare to.

This morning I went into the NT scan anxious…mostly because of the progesterone drama. My mom came with me because Josh had to work and she was practically bouncing off the walls excited. Luckily everything was perfect. Baby measured at 12w1d (growing the perfect amount from what they estimated me to be at my last US), heart was beating beautifully, no soft markers for downs were found and baby's heart ventricles were fully formed and formed correctly. I got about a million pictures to take with me that I can't wait to barrage Josh with when he gets home tonight :) Once I scan them in I'll post them to the Stats page on here…we got a particularly cute one of baby's feet up in the air. My tech also made an educated guess on gender but obviously the chance of error is still pretty high and we won't find out anything for sure until our anatomy scan on May 22nd.

Last but not least….this is the picture that we'll be giving to my grandparents and coming out with on Facebook this Sunday.


  1. That sounds exactly right for the progesterone. I've read plenty of times where it begins to drop around 10-13 weeks. No worries. Love the facebook announcement and happy the NT scan went well.

  2. I'm so happy things are still going well, even with the worries over the drop in your progesterone! And I love the photo--very cute! :-)

  3. So glad things are going well! I'd heard that the progesterone drops at this time, too. Love the picture with the baby shoes!

  4. Glad that everything turned out ok! The picture is too cute!

  5. I saw this post last night but couldnt comment cause I was to lazy to type it out on my phone. I had to comment on that adorable picture with the baby shoes. I think that is a wonderful way to surprise someone. Glad the doctor said everything is fine with your progesterone. When we suffer from low levels it is very scary when you see it drop.

  6. so happy for you!!! and the picture is just too cute!
