Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just some fun thrown in :)

A big thank you to MGG over at Baby-Making Merry-go-Round for tagging me in this! A nice fluffy post is just what I needed!

I know that I've sounded totally Debbie Downer lately but I really don't feel like that. Most of the day I am over the moon excited about being able to be pregnant TODAY but then I have little panics (which mostly have been triggered by my too many spotting incidents) and posting about them and hearing all of your reassuring words helps :) I haven't posted during the excited times because, even though I know it's ridiculous, I'm still scared of somehow jinxing things. I'm going to try to work on that though!


1. Who are your favorite bloggers?

The blogs that I check first thing every single day first thing are not really fertility or loss related (even though almost all of them have cute little babies). I always check Fitnessista, Skinny Runner, Daily Garnish, A Healthy Slice of Life and Running off the Reese's. I follow many many more IF related blogs and I appreciate them all for different reasons, I couldn't pick my favorites of those if I tried.....which is why I went in a different direction for this question :)

2. What tips would you give a new blogger?

Don't be afraid to comment on other people's blogs that you find. A lot of times it helps push you out of your comfort zone and it also gives them a chance to want to learn more about you!

3. What is your occupation and what is your favorite part of that occupation?

I am an administrative assistant and I have been for 2 years. I don't really have a favorite part, it's a job for me. I work so that Josh and I can save money and eventually I won't have to work. I plan on staying home *when* we have children, at least until they are in school. If that doesn't happen I plan on going back to school.

4. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I used to love to run but under the advice of my doctor (based on my personal past medical history) and my little sister who is also my personal trainer I have stopped since getting my BFP. It makes me really sad when I'm driving and I see someone running down the street and I really miss running. But if it means that this little one will be our take home baby I'll give it up a million times over. I've replaced running with swimming (something that I used to love to do and even competed though in high school) and I'm growing to love that again as well.

Josh and I LOVE watching movies. We watch a lot of them. We also watch a lot of TV and are constantly catching up on our DVR.

We're also very very lucky to live in the central valley in California so we've spent many weekends exploring Yosemite National Park (1 hour away) or different beach towns along the coast.

5. What are the top 5 sites you visit on the Internet?

WeddingBee (no shame), HelloBee, Blogger, Gmail and Google.

6. What is your favorite vacation place and why?

I love our mini vacations to the California coast. My favorite little getaway is Cambria. We love spending time there exploring and relaxing.

7. What is your favorite subject to blog about? And how do you come up with ideas to blog about?

Well my blog has been about our journey of adding to our family and I haven't really written consistently about anything else. Most of my posts are general updates but I've really been brainstorming lately about ideas that are actually informative and not just my online journal.

8. Tell us one unique fact about yourself:

Before I found out I was pregnant I had a running streak going that I was really proud of. The day of my BFP was day 51 of the streak. During that time I ran at least 1 mile every day, usually it was closer to 3-4 miles.

9. What is your favorite book(s) of all time and why?

My current favorite are the Game of Thrones series but I like almost every book that I read and I go through books really fast. Reading could probably be listed as one of my main hobbies.

10. What is your favorite food?

Mexican! I could eat it every day and not get sick of it.

11. What are your favorite movie(s) of all time and why?

Little Women- One of my favorites since grade school….I love the relationships, the story and it just makes my heart happy.
Legally Blonde- It makes me laugh.
The Emperor's Club- It makes me think.
 Beauty and the Beast- Who doesn't love a bookworm who sings?
 Up- I can cry and laugh along.

12. What will you do if you can't have a baby?

We would definitely adopt but we'd need to step back before doing so and we'd probably focus on things like being in our forever home and building up a really strong savings first. It would be really hard.

P.S. I'm not going to tag anyone specifically because it seems like most of you have already been tagged in this since it's been going around. However, if any of you haven't or are in the mood to answer these questions because you also need a fluffy post....Tag! You're it :)


  1. Mexican is my favorite too!!

  2. So jealous of where you live (Prewitt here from WB) Happy to see things are OK with you. 2nd the Mexican!
