Wednesday, September 26, 2012

37 Weeks- Full Term!

How far along? 37 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 39 pounds. Still holding steady.

Maternity Clothes: Yes…specifically leggings and yoga pants…and longggggggg tank tops. Heaven.

Stretch Marks: Yesterday while in the doctor’s office I had quite a bit of a wait so while I was waiting in the exam room I decided to inspect my belly. The one stretch mark that I thought was starting has graduated to a definite stretch mark and it has a BFF on the other side of my belly button. Luckily it’s just those 2 (so far….that I can see) and they’re white.

Sleep: Minimal. Heartburn+insomnia+being anxious about baby’s arrival being imminent does not = full nights of sleep.

Best moment this week: Last weekend we got to spend a lot of time with my sisters and their husband/boyfriend. It was a nice, relaxing time.

Miss anything: Just being comfortable in my body. (Same old story)

Movement: Yepp!

Food Cravings: Chocolate chip cookies.

Labor Signs: A lot more pressure, cramps that come and go. I was 2.5cm dilated and 80% effaced at my OB appt yesterday!

Symptoms: Fatigue, pelvic pressure/discomfort, hip pain, cramps, digestive upset.

Belly button in or out: Flat.

Wedding rings on or off: Off.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Meeting our son!!!!!


  1. Suuuch a cute belly! Congrats on full term! Can't wait to "meet" your baby soon. :)

  2. Not much longer now! I can't wait to see him :)

  3. You are SO close! Merritt came at 38 weeks so really you could have your sweet boy at any time :) Enjoy these last moments - go on a last date with Josh as just the two of you. We did that and it was special! (We've gone on 2 dates since baby has been here too so it still happens!). Praying for a great delivery and healthy baby!

  4. You look great! Congrats on reaching full wonderful!!

  5. It's so not fair that stretch marks have to have BFFs tag along with them! Come on, BB! Get out of there! Before they invite more of their friends!

    You look amazing!!!! I can't believe you're labeled "full term." GAH!

  6. I can't get over how stinkin cute you are! And YAY!!!!! So close!

  7. So excited that you are this close!
