Friday, June 1, 2012

Burn Baby Burn

I first experienced the lovely sensation early in the second trimester. At first I didn’t know what it was because I’d never had it before. My dad has always had some acid reflux issues and gets really bad heartburn but I didn’t fully “get” how uncomfortable it actually is.

In the past 2 weeks or so it’s gotten worse…much much worse. Ever since I had to take about a million pills in the first tri I’ve been traumatized when it comes to taking medicine while pregnant. My pill sessions would sometimes take a really long time because just the act of having the pills in my mouth would prompt me to gag/vomit. Lovely. For that reason I haven’t taken Tums yet. I just can’t stomach the idea.

This led me to google with hope that I’d find a magical cure. These are the suggestions that I came across:

·         Stay hydrated.
·         Eat cooling foods.
·         Stay clear of caffeine…it’s a trigger.
·         Take 2 teaspoons of unprocessed and unheated honey after every meal. (One website said a tablespoon of honey in warm milk)
·         Sleep at a slight incline by propping your body up with pillows or inclining your bed.
·         Don’t eat for at least 2 hours before bedtime.
·         Eat small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large ones.
·         Wear loose fitting clothing to reduce pressure on your belly.
·         Eat papaya, almonds and dairy (unless you find dairy to be a trigger for your heartburn).

Have any of you been able to find relief using any of these methods? Do you have other tricks up your sleeve that could help??


  1. Sadly I don't have any good advice. I've experienced a touch of it as well over the past few weeks. I know some of my girlfriends experienced it quite badly during their pregnancies. I'll check in and find out what worked best for them. :)

  2. Aloe Juice! They usually have it at Target and it has bits of aloe in it that are kinda gross but it really helps. If you drink some at the first sign of heartburn you only need a sip or two, if you wait too long you usually need to drink a lot...
